In December of 2023, we led our first IRA Accelerator event in the Central Valley with the help from Tulare County Supervisor Eddie Valero, Community Advocate Lori Pesante, Pedro Ramirez of Valley Impact Strategies, and Nicola Steelnack from Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability.
With over 40 participants in attendance, from Strategic Growth Council, the Governor’s Office of Economic and Business development, and community-based organizations, the San Joaquin Valley greatly benefitted from the shared learning space! During the accelerator, people had fierce debates on where the IRA should and shouldn’t be going to, held creative conversations on the Technical Assistance needed, and discussed the roadblocks and barriers to receive Federal funds through State mechanisms.
Being a catalyst for change toward sustainable communities, economic justice, and a Central Valley reflected of our values is more important than ever. We are hopeful these kinds of accelerator programs will lead to community block grants and new funding opportunities to help address the issues uplifted in the space.
This panel consisted of federal and state staffers, technical assistance experts, and city managers who explained where the funding comes from, how to make successful applications, and funding requirements and limitation around IRA and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding.
With Strategic Growth Council, Self-Help Enterprise, GoBiz, and GreenAction
This panel discussed electrifying the Central Valley from building retrofits, to electric vehicle chargers, to solar panels.
With The Climate Center, The Center for Race, Poverty, and the Environment
With The Center for Race, Poverty, and the Environment, UC Merced Labor Center, Sierra Club
This panel focused on the expansion of public lands and the 30X30 goal (protecting 30% of California’s public lands and waters by 2030). They discussed the role of IRA/Federal Funds in the Central Valley to protect biodiversity and connect to 30X30.
With San Joaquin Valley 30×30 Lead and EnviroVoters Ed Fund
With Strategic Growth Council, Kern Council of Governments, Central California Asthma Collaborative
With Strategic Growth Council
This panel explored how to use federal funds to harden our infrastructure against the impacts of weather, fire, floods, erosion and extreme heat.
With Community Water Center, Self-Help Enterprise, and Tower Community Land Trust